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Ayurvedic Treatment For Infertility

In Ayurveda, infertility is approached comprehensively, considering the balance of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), the health of reproductive tissues (shukra dhatu), and the overall well-being of the individual. Ayurveda emphasises the importance of a balanced lifestyle, proper nutrition, and the use of herbs to address underlying imbalances that may contribute to infertility. 


Imbalances in the three doshas are believed to be a significant factor in infertility. Shukra dhatu, often referred to as reproductive tissue, plays a crucial role in fertility. Ayurveda emphasises the importance of maintaining the health and vitality of shukra dhatu for both men and women. Ojas represents vitality, and prana refers to life force or energy. These subtle energies are considered important for overall health and fertility. Ayurvedic practices aim to enhance ojas and prana through lifestyle, diet, and herbal interventions. Healthy digestion is considered essential in Ayurveda, as it influences the formation of tissues, including reproductive tissues. Ama, or toxins resulting from poor digestion, is believed to disrupt the balance of doshas and affect fertility. In women, regular and healthy menstrual cycles are indicative of balanced reproductive function. Irregularities, such as missed periods or excessive bleeding, may suggest imbalances that need to be addressed. A balanced and nourishing diet is crucial for reproductive health. Specific foods and herbs are recommended to support fertility, and dietary choices are often tailored to an individual's dosha and imbalances. Ayurvedic herbs that are believed to have adaptogenic and rejuvenating properties, are commonly used to address specific imbalances and support reproductive health.


Our fertility program addresses the underlying causes of infertility or Vandhyatva by implementing a comprehensive restorative solution that encompasses every aspect of reproductive health, influencing the potential for conception.

Three Easy step to get relief from Infertility

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